Welcome to
Bella Tax Inc.
Meet the Team

Hiroko Keister
Enrolled Agent & Certified Acceptantce Agent
Although I was born, raised, and educated in Tokyo Japan, I have lived in the USA more than half of my life. I have lived in HI, CA, NM, OH and IN which has given me a variety of experiences and understanding of the USA culture and tax laws. Attending and participating in tax courses in these states has been instrumental in our ability to handle your tax situations with confidence and success. However, most importantly our establishing a good relationship with our clients, earning their trust and respect of their position is our goal. Our main policy is to provide a sincere and honest service which is based on our ethics and knowledge of both our clients and the Internal Revenue Service’s position. If you feel we are the right tax practitioners for your needs, please give us a call.

Sawako Tyson
Enrolled Agent & Certified Acceptantce Agent
The time flies away every day and I realized that It has been more than 20 years since I moved to Hawaii, U.S.A. Originally from Tokyo and having been educated there, along with an accounting degree from an accredited USA University. It is very satisfied to provide my clients a service based on my knowledge, experience, and continued education within the US tax society. My policy is a cheerful and speedy response to my clients with the respect of Japanese and US tax laws.

Michiko Muto
Enrolled Agent & Certified Acceptantce Agent
I only have several years experiences of accounting/tax business. However, my background in Corporate Japan and America after graduating Tokyo University with a master’s in science, gives me deep appreciation for the financial field. My policy is providing sincere service and work ethic in each job. With continuing education in tax laws through seminars, discussion with various fellow associates, I believe my dedication, sincere attitude and passion as a tax professional will lead to a success outcome for my clients.

Zola “Bud” Keister
Vice president
動物化学博士号取得し、米国大手法人でテクニカルサポート業務を経験しましたが、日本で生まれ育った四人の日本人女性と仕事をするのは大変興味深い経験でもあり、楽しい経験でもあります。 私の業務は電子申告手続き・諸情報のデータ保管・事務所内のソフト及びコンピューターの管理・消耗品や機器の買い付け・PR 活動等と多岐にわたっています。 確定申告期間はかなり多忙の毎日ですが、それ以外の時は時間の余裕ができるのでオハイオ州の故郷を訪ねる機会ができます。
I earned a PhD in Animal Science and have worked for several international companies in a technical support role. Currently, I am working with four capable Japanese ladies. This role is quite interesting, but fun. My duty is a wide range of supporting tasks, such as e-filing, data storage, making sure soft/hardware is working properly, purchasing supplies and equipment, public relations etc. It is crazy busy during the tax season every year, but my job slows down during the off-season, which gives me a chance to visit my hometown in Ohio.

Masako Tanaka
米国生活は浅いので、日本での経験をもとにお客様に気持ちよく来ていただけるよう、いつも笑顔・親切をモットーにしています。 これからも、お客様に満足していただけるようホスピタリティ溢れる対応を心がけていきます
It is only a few years since I moved to Honolulu. My motto is keeping a kind & friendly attitude followed by my experiences in Japan, so that our clients are happy to visit our office. I will provide abundant hospitality to satisfy our clients.